Selly VIN Factor Tool - Overview & FAQs

Zendesk Admin -

At Selly, we have now integrated VIN Factor into our platform under the inventory section. VIN Factor provides market intelligence about inventory as well as actionable data to make purchasing or appraisal decisions. 

VIN Factor Terminology Breakdown:


Market Days Supply = Inventory count / daily sales rate (using last 45 days as default) in the market/region. This is one of the most important metrics for a used car dealer, read a blog about it here -

Average List price = Average list price based on competition in your market with the ability to toggle range (i.e. 150mi) for competition  
Average Miles = Average mileage of similar inventory in your defined market 
Average Days on Lot = Average days on lot of similar inventory in your market
Buy Score = VIN Factor's proprietary ranking system for whether a vehicle is a good, great, bad, or a fair purchase. (0 being lowest and 100 being best possible score) 
Trim Data: 

Vin Factor also gives trim level data about inventory (if available) by clicking the chart button on the lower part of the VIN Factor Tool. 


Frequently Asked Questions about VIN Factor: 

Q1) I don't see a Buy Score or why is there no data shown for a selected vehicle?

With some inventory, there may not be enough market data or similar vehicles in the market to produce actionable VIN Factor data. 

Q2) How does VIN Factor collect the vehicle data? 

The data points are from an aggregation of dealership websites as well as select third-party portals such as and Autotrader.
Q3) Does this work in Canada?

It will work for US VINs but currently, VIN Factor does not support Canadian VINs. If they do update this geo-restriction we will make appropriate updates in the Selly platform. 

Can I use VIN Factor on (Native iOS & Android) Mobile? 

We do not have native mobile capability yet; we are waiting on the VIN Factor team. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon! 

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