Scheduling Text Campaigns in Advanced

Zendesk Admin -

You can now schedule Text Blasts to be sent at your preferred time in the future, ensuring your message reaches your audience exactly when you want it to. Let's look at how this feature can simplify your text campaign management.

Scheduling a Text Campaign

To schedule a text campaign in advance, follow these steps:

  1. Create your text campaign as you normally would, selecting your desired filters and crafting your message content.
  2. Opt for the Schedule Send option instead of Send Now.
  3. Choose your desired date and time for the text campaign to be delivered.
  4. Click Schedule Campaign.

Editing a Scheduled Text Campaign

Should you need to make adjustments to a scheduled text campaign, simply follow these steps:

  1. Head to the Scheduled Campaigns tab, where you'll find a list of text campaigns waiting to be sent. Click on the campaign you wish to edit.
  2. Make your desired changes to the filters, message content, or time of send.
  3. Click on Save Changes to finalize your changes.

Deleting a Scheduled Text Campaign

To remove a scheduled text campaign you no longer wish to send:

  1. Head to the Scheduled Campaigns tab and click on the campaign you wish to delete.
  2. In the upper right corner of the edit page, you'll find a three-dots icon. Click on it and select the Delete option to remove the campaign.
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