April 2022 Product Update

Zendesk Admin -

Happy April, Selly Dealers!

Read on to learn more about what's new and what's coming down the pipeline in Selly.

Email Templates in the mobile app


This past month, we released an update that allows you to now use Email Templates directly from the mobile app! With this update, your workflow for sending emails via the mobile app will be greatly improved, and it'll be easier for you to send any of the same email templates that you already send from the Selly web application.

What's coming down the pipeline?

Updates to texting


We're working on the final pieces of the new text messaging updates. This includes changes to the Selly mobile apps. Once we're finished with this update, we'll begin migrating dealers from the old version of the texting over to the new version of texting. We're hoping to begin this process within the next month. 

Some issues we've addressed

  • We've addressed a minor text messaging issue on the Android mobile app where some Users were unable to take a photo with the Camera and send that photo via SMS text.
  • There was an issue with marking certain tasks as completed on a Client's profile. The loading animation was loading indefinitely if you navigated to the page directly from the Calls and Texts module. We've addressed this issue, and tasks are now being properly marked as completed.
  • Certain VDP (vehicle details page) links were not being formatted properly when sent via text message. This caused customers to navigate to incorrect URLs when clicking on the links. This issue has been addressed.
  • For a short period of time, there was an issue with push notifications on iOS devices. We were able to isolate the problem, which had to do with the Selly push notification certificate, and we immediately solved the issue by updating the settings on the license.
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