Why you need a business grade email versus a consumer (@aol,@gmail,@yahoo) account

Zendesk Admin -

There are still many used car dealers that use @aol @gmail @yahoo for their business email. Every franchise (new car) dealer and in other industries, most small businesses use an email at their own domain, for example, john@abcmotors.com versus johncool1976@yahoo.com. We recommend to all of our dealers that they have and integrate business-grade email with Selly and not use consumer-grade email for optimal results. 

This is a BIG PROBLEM and here are some reasons why:

- A consumer-grade email account has much lower SMTP relay limits which only allow a certain amount of emails to be sent per day; so if you want to use consumer email for auto-responders and have too many leads come in, your outbound auto-reply messages could pause once the limit is hit. 

- There are lesser security/compliance features and there are 0 admin features (i.e. managing a group of users at your store, locking fired sales rep out from email) with consumer-grade email.  

- Lastly, professionalism, most dealers have already started using email at their own domain, if you are still sending emails to customers using a consumer @aol @gmail @yahoo account you may stand out in an awkward way from the competition that uses a business-grade email address at their own company domain. 


What are your options:

Gsuite (aka Gmail for Business) - This is the #1 business email provider, very easy to set up and you can get business email starting at $6 per month - https://gsuite.google.com/pricing.html

GoDaddy - Another popular email provider that offers emails at your own domain - https://www.godaddy.com/hosting/email-hosting

**There are also other providers with various plans for business email available; these are easy to set up based on dealer feedback. 

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