A Guide to the "New Vehicle Arrival" Text Automation

Zendesk Admin -

With our New Vehicle Arrival Text Automation, your leads will be re-engaged via text automatically when a new vehicle arrives on your lot, helping you sell cars faster.

Imagine this:

A new vehicle arrives at your dealership. Instead of waiting for potential buyers to find it online, wouldn't it make sense to also notify existing leads that have already indicated interest in purchasing from you? After all, you've already invested in these leads—why not make sure they’re the first to know about new arrivals?

The problem? Following up with leads takes time. Sifting through months of leads, determining who's a good match for a new vehicle, and texting each lead a personalized message is time consuming. For each lead, you'd have to manually check:

  • The types of vehicle they've shown interest in (you wouldn't want to message a truck buyer about a new Ford Focus).
  • Whether or not they've already made a purchase from you or elsewhere.

For dealerships with hundreds of new leads every few weeks, and frequent new arrivals, follow-up quickly becomes overwhelming. That's where the New Vehicle Arrival Text Automation comes in, automating these repetitive tasks to follow-up with leads with zero effort.

How this automation works

  1. New inventory detection: Selly detects a new vehicle in your inventory feed.
  2. Identify similar vehicles: Selly scans your inventory for vehicles deemed "similar" to the new arrival. (later in this article you'll see how you can control what "similar" means)
  3. Identify interested leads: Selly identifies active leads interested in these similar vehicles and sends them a personalized text notification.

Getting Started

Setting up automation up is simple. Just toggle the switch ON, and it works right away! You don't even need to adjust any settings (which is what we recommend when just getting started). If you want more control, however, click on the New Vehicle Arrival text automation to bring up the Settings page, where you'll fine-tune your settings to better match your dealership’s needs.

Fine-tuning the settings

To help Selly identify similar vehicles and the leads to notify, you can adjust these settings:

  • Client Interest Timeframe
  • Prospecting Strategy
  • Vehicle Year Range
  • Vehicle Price Range

Together, these settings shape the criteria Selly uses to find similar vehicles, allowing you to fine-tune your approach to customer notifications.

Client Interest Timeframe

This setting informs us how far back in time to go when identifying leads to notify of a new vehicle. We scan Internet Lead submissions as well as Opportunities, looking for leads that indicated interest on vehicles similar to the new vehicle.

Prospecting Strategy

This setting uses a combination of the new vehicle's Make, Model, and Vehicle Type to find similar vehicles on your lot. Selly offers three prospecting strategies you can choose from:

  1. Same Make and Model (most specific): Only identical models are considered similar. This yields the most targeted notifications.
  2. Same Make and Vehicle Type: Matches vehicles by make and type, such as all Ford hatchbacks.
  3. Same Vehicle Type (least specific): Broadly matches by type, such as all hatchbacks, regardless of make.

Consider experimenting with these options to find the best match for your dealership’s approach.

Vehicle Year Range

Using the Vehicle Year Range settings, you'll define the range of model years that a vehicle must be to be considered "similar". There are two Year Range settings: Older By and Newer By. If, for example, you set Older By to 2 years, and Newer By to 3 years, then for a newly added 2021 Ford Focus, vehicles with Model Years ranging from 2019-2024 will be considered "similar" (2019 is 2 years older than 2021, and 2024 is 3 years newer than 2021).

Vehicle Price Range

Using the Vehicle Price Range settings, you'll define the acceptable price range for similar vehicles. There are two Price Range settings: Under By and Over By. For example, if "Under By" is set to 20% and "Over By" to 10%, vehicles priced between $16,000 and $22,000 will be deemed similar to a new vehicle priced at $20,000.

Using the Monthly Recipients Estimator

So you may be thinking, "How do I know which settings will work the best for my dealership?" It's hard to say, if we're being honest. It's really a matter of testing different settings, and seeing what works best for your dealership and customer base. However, we've built a calculator that uses recent inventory and lead data to project how many customers this automation will reach each month with your current settings. As you adjust settings, the estimate updates, helping you gauge your reach.

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