July 2024 Product Update

Zendesk Admin -

Welcome to July, Selly Dealers!

Read on to learn about some exciting features and functionality that will be here soon!

Recently Released

Task Metrics on General Analytics

We've introduced a couple of Task metrics to the General Analytics page: Tasks completed and Tasks missed. You can view these metrics individually for each user, or at your dealership as a whole. This will help you ensure your dealership is on track to meet your sales goals.

Coming Soon

New Vehicle Arrival Text Automation

Selly's newest Text Automation is currently under development, and it'll be available for all dealerships with the Text Marketing package! This will be another great way to automatically re-engage existing Clients who are still in the market for a vehicle. Here's how it'll work: Whenever a new vehicle becomes available for sale, this Text Automation will automatically send a text message to anyone that might be interested in that new vehicle, based on the lead and opportunity history of recent leads who are considered to be in the market for a vehicle. This will save you hours per week, and will also increase your close rates by re-engaging leads that may have fallen through the cracks.

SMS Preference Management

Easily manage the SMS preferences for each of your clients. With new ways to automatically text your customers from within Selly, it's important that you have a way to indicate which types of SMS messages your clients want to receive. Managing their SMS preferences is a great way to ensure you're only sending messages they want to receive! 

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