Setting up Internet Leads in Selly (Updates due to FTC Safeguards Rule)

Zendesk Admin -

Due to the FTC’s new Safeguards Rule, Internet Leads that are submitted via your website or 3rd-party Internet Lead providers must be sent to Selly with the necessary levels of security and encryption. This ensures that your customer’s data is protected from security threats the moment they are transferred to your Selly account.

Your website and other 3rd-party Internet Lead providers will likely have one of two methods for transferring leads to your Selly account:

  • Email (must be encrypted with TLS, which your Selly lead email supports)

  • Secure File Transport Protocol (“SFTP”)

Either of these methods will work when transferring leads from your lead providers to Selly, and you can find both sets of settings for your dealership by navigating to Settings → Dealer’s Settings → XML/ADF Lead Settings.


Follow these simple steps with each of your 3rd-party Internet Lead Providers and/or website provider in order to begin receiving Internet Leads within Selly:

  1. Determine which method (Email or SFTP) works best for your website or 3rd-party Internet Lead provider. You’ll need to contact the 3rd-party lead provider or website provider in order to find out.

  2. Send either your dealership’s Selly ADF/XML Lead Email Address (in the case of the provider accepting Internet Lead transfer via email) or provide your dealership’s Selly ADF/XML Lead SFTP credentials (in the case of the provider requiring SFTP) to the lead provider or website.

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