Can I email a client from my Selly premium mobile app?

Dwayne Robinson -

Once you've successfully configured your email in Selly, you can send emails to your clients saved in Selly by tapping on the email icon from the homepage.


You'll be then taken to your filtered client inbox, where you can view emails between yourself and your client's saved in Selly. To compose a new email, Tap on the 'compose' icon, located in the top right.


On the compose screen, from here you can type an email to be sent to a client. You can manually enter a client's email address or you can tap the plus icon to choose the client(s) whom you'd like to have the email sent to. You can also add attachments to the email by tapping on the paperclip icon.


Once a message has been composed, it can be sent by tapping the send icon located in the top right.

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