November 2022 Product Update

Zendesk Admin -

Welcome to November, Selly Dealers!

Read on to learn more about what's new this month and what we're working on.

What we're working on

Multi-factor authentication


The FTC recently released new regulations (the Safeguards Rule) requiring dealerships to set up a security program that protects sensitive customer data. As part of our goal of protecting sensitive customer information within Selly, we're implementing multi-factor authentication ("MFA") upon login for dealerships that choose to have this additional layer of security. When MFA is enabled at your dealership, all Users will need to set up an SMS-based multi-factor authentication device (such as a User's cellular phone) that will be used to receive a one-time passcode whenever a User logs into a device that is unrecognized. Read more about how the Safeguards Rule impacts your dealership here.

Improvements to Deal Management

Soon you'll be able to much more easily manage your Deals within Selly. The new Deal Management module will provide you with a high-level overview of all of the opportunities you have to sell cars to your customers. You'll see all of your deals listed by their status, you'll be able to search for and filter for the deals you want to see, and you'll be able to easily drag and drop deals from one stage to another. This new functionality will come with a revamped user interface that will make you more efficient in managing your deals with improvements to the workflow and faster loading times.


You'll be able to easily search and filter your sales opportunities from our new and improved page.

We're currently working on the functionality to move deals from one stage to another using the drag and drop action.


Easily manage each sales opportunity from the quick-view.

This new feature will take some time to fully complete, but check back each month to see the status. We're planning on releasing this new version towards the end of this year.


Issues we've addressed

  • Some users reported that they weren't receiving web notifications for certain Facebook messages and emails. The issues that impacted both Facebook and inbound email notifications were identified and addressed. Facebook and Email web notifications are now working properly.
  • Some users reported that they weren't getting merge tag warnings when using Text Template on the web portal. The issue was identified and was fixed properly.
  • There was a bug reported on the Analytics page that caused them to see an error message. The issue was identified and a fix was made. 
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